Writing a book feels hard because you think you should naturally be good at it.
Years ago, I used to think the same thing.
I know what it’s like to want to become an author and struggle to make it happen.
Months and years pass while your friends and colleagues publish their books—and you still haven’t written yours.
You have so many great ideas, but you don’t know which book to write first.
You’re not sure you’re a “good enough” writer to become a successful author.
You don’t know how you’ll possibly find time to write a book.
Any of this sound familiar?
I get it. I struggled for years to write a book.
Then I went through a divorce and had to figure out how to make a living--while still homeschooling my daughters--after more than a decade outside the workforce.
Writing books was the answer, and I developed a process to do it over and over again.
I made my living as a ghostwriter, and then decided to share my process with people like you, as your book coach.
You have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a system that could help a lot of people—
if only you could reach them.
Even though you have doubts, deep down you know you have something valuable to share with the world, something useful.
You don’t look like what you’ve been through, but you’ve lived through some things.
You’ve made it to the other side of some major obstacles.
Or you’ve mastered skills other people desperately needed.
And you’re smart enough to recognize how writing a book can help you fulfill your purpose and make your vision a reality by reaching these people.
You just wish writing your book was easier!
You may dream of seeing your name on the bestsellers list, so imagine if your book was already written.
Imagine sharing your message from bigger stages. Imagine landing the right media spots and reaching thousands of people you'd never have connected with if you hadn't written your book. And imagine doing all this while positioning yourself to earn more.
You already know all this is possible for you when you become an author.
You just haven’t been able to wrap your mind around what it takes to write a book yet.
The only thing holding you back is actually finishing the book.
Keep reading. I can help.
Here are some of the problems you face:
Do I need to go on?
If any of this resonates with you, then you’re in good company.
Every writer I know (including me) has experienced these same problems because we've fallen for these myths:
Myth #1: The best authors are born great writers.
We’ve all seen it in movies and on TV shows. Authors are anointed, as if some magical muse shows up and whispers in their ears to make the words flow on to the page. Some even brag about writing their masterpieces in a weekend.
The most successful authors get help along the way. They work with book coaches and fabulous editors. Some even hire ghostwriters to write the books with their name on the cover. (I know because I’ve been that ghostwriter.)
Myth #2: Writing a book is always stressful.
Every time you sit down to write, you think about all the great books already out there. You feel a nagging doubt. You second-guess your ideas and your ability to write a book. And finally, you just stop writing.
Writing a book doesn’t have to be stressful when you follow a proven process and have the right support. Let me repeat:
You just need the right process and the right support.
It’s only stressful because no one has shared this truth with you.
Writing a book is just like anything else you haven’t done yet.
You need to learn how to do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a memoir, a personal or professional development book, a guide, or historical nonfiction, this process is the same.
With the right resources, you can write a book that changes your reader’s lives and yours -- and do it stress free!
Myth #3: Real writers don’t use any kind of formula.
“I want to write a book, but I just want to sit down and write it my way.”
“I should be able to figure out how to write a book on my own. Following a process is kind of like cheating.”
“What works for everyone else won’t work for me.”
You don’t need a formula. Formulas produce the wrong results when you get creative with them. Ask any scientist.
But a framework isn’t a formula.
When you employ a solid framework, it actually unlocks your creativity and frees you to write what you really want to say, in the way you want to say it.
That’s why I created the SPARK Writing Method, the framework I’ve used to write dozens of books.
It’s the same framework my coaching clients have used to write their own books with more peace and ease.
And this framework is available to you in my group-coaching experience.
Myth #4: Real writers don’t get any help until it's time for copy editing.
You've seen it in so many movies.
Great authors lock themselves away in a cabin for a few months with nothing but a typewriter and a full refrigerator.
They emerge with the manuscript for an award-winning book and the rest is history.
This image of the author doing it all alone may be the most damaging lie of them all.
What most people don't know is that great authors have help along the way.
Most bestselling authors have someone to help them shape their book from idea to complete manuscript.
Many of the authors you admire had a coach who helped them along the way (whether they talk about it or not).
And many of those same authors belong to a writing community, where they can get feedback, support, and accountability to keep writing.
A group-coaching program and community
with Candice L Davis
Authors Ignited is not an all-or-nothing system that forces you to write my way. (Who wants that?!)
Instead, it's a community where you're freed to use your authentic voice and share who you really are.
This is a space where you're given loving accountability so you can stay focused on your writing goals.
My proven SPARK Writing Method is a simple framework that will take you from idea to author without any unnecessary stress.
And my framework includes a priceless element: strategies to overcome resistance and dissolve writer’s block so you can write as much as you want or need to write.
The SPARK framework will guide you to:
In the Authors Ignited community, we meet regularly, so you can get coaching, encouragement, and accountability to keep writing.
I also break down the framework into accessible, implementable steps, so you know exactly what to do.
Each step provides support and guidance while giving you the freedom to write a book that exemplifies your values, embodies your voice, and lets your unique genius shine on the page.
The modules are crafted to help you start exactly where you are—regardless of your level of writing skill, your confidence in your idea (or lack thereof), or your knowledge of writing a book. With this process, you can write a book you’re insanely proud to have your name on.
Coach Candice really came through for me. She helped me get my ideas organized and gave me the accountability I needed to keep writing. I've since launched my speaking career, using my book. I can't wait to write my next book with her!
Nicole Petite
Author of "Focused, Fearless, and Fighting"
Writing your book using my proven framework and the support of your Book Coach and our community is the best way to:
Finish writing your book. Finally!
Share your story in a way that transforms readers. Your story matters because you can tell it with the insights that add value for your readers.
Create tangible proof of why you don’t compete on price. The value you offer is right there, in black and white, for clients to see, so they won’t expect you to have the lowest prices in the marketplace.
Demonstrate to prospective clients how invested you are in your work and their success. You didn’t just throw up an Instagram profile and start calling yourself a coach or consultant. You’re not just parroting other people’s ideas. You’ve given your work deep thought, and it shows in your book.
Give readers a way to get to know you better. Social media and email are great, but when your followers read your book, they’re taken into a world of your making. When your book is well written, it gives readers a unique sense of connection to you.
Solidify your beliefs and ideas. As you write your book, you’ll test your own philosophies, theories, and systems. You’ll prove to yourself where they stand up, and you’ll identify weaknesses so you can correct, eliminate, or strengthen them.
Pitch yourself to media outlets, including TV, radio, print, and podcasts, as an expert. Producers don’t want to spend time researching you and your qualifications. Your world-class book is the shortcut they need to understand why they should choose you.
Discover new meaning in the stories that make up your life experience. Even small moments you’ve overlooked until now can provide meaningful content or humorous relief in your book.
Your Author Ignited modules include specific steps and strategies to keep you writing even when you’re tired, overwhelmed, or unsure.
Wondering what that includes, exactly? Here’s what you get.
Locking down your book idea is the first secret to writing with confidence.
You’ll learn:
You might think “everyone” can benefit from your book. And you may be right.
But writing a book for everyone is the surest path to writing a boring book no one wants to read. Write for your perfect reader instead.
You’ll learn:
You want your book to serve your readers and change lives—and you don’t want to get distracted from that purpose.
But you also want your book to serve you and your goals. Let’s align those two purposes.
You’ll learn:
Writing a book requires a plan, but you can’t just follow someone else’s plan. Instead, craft one that’s unique to you.
You’ll learn:
You never have to stay stuck in the writing process.
You’ll learn:
I had no idea what to expect from working with Candice. The story I shared was both personal and painful, but she helped me work through the emotions and get the book written in a way that paints me as the victor that I am. I'm so grateful to have my story out in the world, serving other people.
Pennae Akpuru
Author of "Living Past Your Pain to Live Your Dreams"
A library of fluff-free videos ($1500 value)
Worksheets and templates ($250 value)
Expert review of your outline and chapter structure ($500 value)
Access to our private Facebook group ($1000 value)
Virtual co-writing sessions to keep you making progress ($1000 value)
Group coaching calls to get past your blocks and get answers ($2500 value)
Opportunities to get feedback on your writing ($1500 value)
***A community of authors who have your back (priceless)***
Total value: $8250
Lifetime Access: $2500
When you join Author Ignited, you’ll also receive immediate access to these bonuses:
Bonus #1. Publish like a Pro ($1000 value)
This course walks you through the self-publishing process so you know what to expect and how to avoid unethical or incompetent publishing services companies. Learn all the ins and outs of making sure the look and feel of your book live up to your standards. Get clear about the best practices of bestselling book cover and layout design and how to hire and work with your publishing dream team.
Bonus #2. Signature Stories That Sell ($1500 value)
This bonus course will help you draft the most important story you’ll ever tell—your signature story. Discover the element your signature story must have and the details you should absolutely leave out when you tell this story from the stage, in your book, and in interviews.
6 Monthly Payments
Immediate access to all the modules and the workbook
All coaching calls, workshops, and writing days
Save with Single Pay
Immediate access to all the modules and the workbook
All coaching calls, workshops, and writing days
3 monthly payments
Immediate access to all modules and the workbook
All coaching calls, workshops and writing days
Candice provided just the support I needed to get my first book written and ready to publish.
Antonia Lofaso
Author of "The Busy Mom's Cookbook"
My Mission
I’m Candice L Davis, your author coach and the host of Nothing but the Words, the podcast.
Years ago, I kicked off my writing career with a whimper, friend.
I was timid with my book goals because I believed all the myths my mentors handed down to me. I was convinced there was no money to be made with books and only a few “chosen” books could be successful in any way.
With so many doubts swirling in my head, I started writing several books, but I never got more than 75% of the way to finishing any of them. My hard drive became the place great book ideas went to die.
I treated writing like a hobby.
But when I earned a five-figure payday from the first book I ever wrote, I realized the idea that you can’t make money with books was a whole lie.
So I decided to find a way to make a living doing what I love: writing great books and helping other authors do the same.
I spent the early years of my career working as an editor and ghostwriter. I wrote a lot of books and edited even more. And I began to coach other people to write their own books.
It took me a few years to develop my framework, but once I did, it was on.
I wrote books faster and better.
I helped my clients go deeper with their books and write at a higher level.
I helped them write bestsellers and books that landed them on national TV and radio shows.
Finally, I knew I could help anyone who wanted to do it write a transformative book.
Your book is an outpouring of the best of you on the page.
Your book is an extension of you that goes into the world to represent you now and in the future.
Your book is a one-of-a-kind encounter between you and your readers.
It makes a way for you before you show up at events or appearances, and it reaches places you’ll never go.
Your book separates you from everyone else in your industry or niche.
Ultimately, writing your book is a powerful act of leadership.
Write the book you’re called to write. Share your gifts, and fulfill this part of your purpose.
You’re already equipped with your story and knowledge.
You’re called to write a book that makes a difference.
And I’m called to help you become and feel qualified to write it.
Join me and a community of purpose-focused authors, just like you, in Authors Ignited.
You might want to know...
Not having a book idea is never a problem. Even if you haven’t processed them yet, you have plenty of ideas that would make phenomenal books. In the first module, I’ll help you choose a new book idea or solidify the one you already have.
You don’t have to be a great writer to become a successful author. Inside Author Ignited, you’ll find lessons to improve your writing skills. You'll finish this program an even better writer than you were when you started.
I’m sure your coach/mentor/favorite person is brilliant. I’m sure their book is wonderful.
But they are not you, and they could never write the book you have inside you. You have a unique combination of experiences, achievements, knowledge, and wisdom. No one else can bring that unique mix to the page like you will.
Worry not. I’ll walk you through a simple process to make sure your book is your own and provides your readers with unique value.
If there are already lots of books on a subject, then imagine how many people must be interested in it. They may not need another book on your topic, but they definitely want one.
More importantly, someone out there is looking for a book written by you. They want to hear from an author they can relate to. They want to hear a new perspective, not the same tired information every other book is repeating.
I’ll show you how to focus on the readers already waiting for the book only you can write.
Absolutely! Authors Ignited will work for you whether you’ve written many books already, are in the middle of your first book, or haven’t written a single word yet.
You’ll receive an email with your log-in information.
You’ll get immediate access to the modules and printable workbook.
You’ll receive a link to join the private Facebook group.
You’ll get immediate access to your bonus courses.
I’ll be here to guide you as you write your book!
Get lifetime access.
Candice helped me make my words sing on paper with her literary skills.
Yvette Gavin
Author of "Recalibrate"
Are you ready to be IGNITED? Join now, finish your book, and walk in the purpose your book can help you fulfill.
Candice helped me bring my book into the world in record time. Together we made it happen!
Dolley Carlson
Author of "The Red Coat"
© Copyrights by Candice L. Davis. All Rights Reserved.